Tapping honey straight from the hive without opening it, means harvesting no longer equals long hours of hot sticky work, with heavy lifting and expensive processing equipment.
Turn the Flow Key and watch as pure, fresh honey flows right out of the hive and into your jar. No mess, no fuss.
Tapping honey straight from the hive without opening it, means harvesting no longer equals long hours of hot sticky work, with heavy lifting and expensive processing equipment.
Turn the Flow Key and watch as pure, fresh honey flows right out of the hive and into your jar. No mess, no fuss.
From Kent to Cornwall, taste the zesty delights of a nearby citrus orchard or the floral notes of lavender, honey harvested from a Flow Hive is raw and completely unprocessed, making it superior in flavour to commercially produced honey.
Harvest up to 18 kgs (40 lb) of delicious honey when the 6-frame super is full.
Meet the delightful new beekeepers Daisy & Cameron and hear about their new found love of bees 🐝😃
Because we didn’t have any experience, and were still at home and don't have all the room to get all the honey extraction gear, or the money really, so we thought we’d save up and get the flow hive.
In over 130 countries.
From backyards, gardens, rooftops to balconies.
A wonderful way to spend time together, learn about bees and connect with nature.
We harvest the honey together, and we really enjoy that family time together.
A Flow Hive is great for beginners as our technology makes harvesting so easy, PLUS all hive purchases come with our Bee Supported package, including dedicated email, chat, phone support, and access to our Flow Community Forums that are a hive of activity and information. If you’re not sure where to begin, we’ll help you get up and buzzing in no time.
We’re here to help! Email with our friendly support staff, or phone in and kick back for a good old chat with Trace, or live chat to get fast answers to your buzzing questions.
There is a lot of new beekeeping terminology that you’ll need to understand. From queen excluders to drone bees and all the parts of a beehive, download our simple PDF guide to beekeeping here to get on top of it all.
If you're thinking about getting set-up for the first time, here is a handy Decision Chart to help make your choice a bit easier.
Yes! The Flow Hive is successfully in use in all climates wherever beekeeping is possible, from hot climates to cold.
In cold climates, it’s important to ensure your bees have enough resources for overwintering and to harvest before crystallization occurs.
Some beekeepers in the cold climates prefer to use larger hives, either Flow Hives with 7 frames (equivalent to a 10 frame Langstroth) or a Flow UK National Super to provide extra resources for overwintering.
Yes! Getting set up with a Flow Hive is a great interactive family activity as our revolutionary honey harvesting technology removes the need for additional harvesting equipment, making this enjoyable hobby much more accessible.
All Flow customers get unlimited access to our basic beekeeping guides, beginner beekeeper video series, email, phone and chat support to get you set up and confident in starting your new hobby. We also have a dedicated forum where members of the 75,000 strong Flow community discuss beekeeping and answer any questions you may have.
Still have questions? We'd love to hear from you.
Bees rarely find their way into empty beehive boxes, even though they are designed to be a perfect home for them.
There are a number of ways of starting a colony, from buying a package of bees, to receiving a hive split or catching a swarm.
We also have a range of videos and blogs to help you understand the different ways in which you can source bees for your new hive.
Beekeeping is a fascinating and rewarding hobby, one in which the learning never ends.
We have a swarm of resources available to support all new beekeepers, including:
Plus a knowledgeable support team on hand to answer your questions.
Learning from experienced people in your local area is invaluable so it's also helpful to connect with a local beekeeping club, beekeeping course or mentor for support.
Yes! Flow Hives are perfect for setting-up just about anywhere.
You will need enough space to access the back of the hive for easy harvesting and your bees will require a clear space at the front of the hive for their flight path.
You'll also need to check-in with local governing bodies to find out if there are any regulations that you need to be aware of.
Here are some of our top tipson where to set up your beehive.
Beekeeping is a labor of love. As with all animal husbandry, it’s a pastime that requires knowledge, skill and dedication and which carries with it inherent risks.
Beekeeping suits and other personal protective equipment can offer excellent prevention against bee stings but are not 100 percent effective. It’s important new beekeepers exercise caution when tending to their hives and are comfortable with the fact that sooner or later, all beekeepers get stung.
Check out this Flow sponsored safety pamphlet covering common beekeeping safety risks and first aid responses.
We have strictly limited quantities of our hives so you'll have to act quick to ensure you don’t miss out.
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